
Adding a user to your Delicious Network

How do I add a new user to my del.icio.us network?
Today I made a "screencast", or video of my computer screen, using a free program called Jing. After recording my voice and computer screen Jing lets me upload the movie to a website where you can watch it. To see how to add a user to your network in delicious, click on the link below and enjoy! (Push the Play button in center of screen after it opens to begin the video)


Superbooklady said...

I have used Jing before. It's is very easy to use. :)

Michael Hakkarinen said...

If you want to add a Google Calendar to your blog, the best way to do it is to insert a widget into your blog, and select the Calendar widget.

Here are directions:
1. Log-in to blogger and then go to your blogger dashboard, choose "Layout"
2. On the side of your layout you'll see "Add a Gadget", click on that
3. In the "Search" window of the widget window type calendar, the first result is Google Calendar, click the "+" button on it to add the calendar widget
4. You'll then go through a series of steps to configure your calendar
Then you're done!