
MSDE 01-10-19R Class #1

Welcome to "Integration of Technologies into Instruction"

This is our first class and we have a lot to do!

First, we'll talk about how we're already using technology in our schools and classrooms by responding to this blog post. To do so, click on the "comments " button at the bottom of this page and then answer the following questions in your response:

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.

The comments button looks like -
If you'd like, try to cut and paste the questions above from this blog into your comment. You may also want to use a nickname in your reply for anonymity on the world wide web.

Second, I'll show you how to use an amazing tool called "Del.icio.us" to start bookmarking websites and online resources with.

When you leave you'll have your own Del.icio.us account so you can share your resources with all of your classmates here, and even tap into a few "experts" through the Del.icio.us network.

Finally, we'll all create a blog like this one using either "Blogger" from Google, or "Tumblr".

To get started with Blogger, visit: http://www.blogger.com/
To get started with Tumblr, visit: http://www.tumblr.com/
See Mike's tumblr page at http://usingtech2teach.tumblr.com/

This activity will lead into our end of the class objective and assignment for our next meeting - a blog of your own to use with students that you can share with us in two weeks.


Superbooklady said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

Right now I love my ActiveSlate!

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?

Using technology with students has the students totally engaged!

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

Time is short and sometimes you can not do as much as you want with the students.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.

Ideas to use with my students and to share with my staff


Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?
My entire cart :) if I have to pick a piece it would be the doc camera there are so many things you and do and show.

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
The ability to go beyond the normal classroom presentations. The ability for them to create materials of their own.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?
when they don't work!!!!!!!!!!

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.
To know all that Mike knows :) Seriously I would like to be mofe comfortable with my Wikispace for our class...blogs

Anonymous said...

What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom? My favorite piece of technology hardware in my classroom is the AverMedia Camera.

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
Using technology with the students motivates them to stay on task; I also like to be able to solve technical problems the students may have.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?
I do not like to use technology when it doesn't want to work.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class. Confidence, comfort to use the technology I have without "spazzing" when I hit something wrong.

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom? EZ Pro I like that it hooks up to everything!
2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
Not having so many hand made LARGE visuals and tons of song sheets to pass out.
3. What do you like least about using technology with students?
when it doesnt work!
4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.
More experience w/the interwrite & creating some lessons

January 7, 2009 12:46 PM

Now this is in the right place!

Superbooklady said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

My favorite piece of equipment right now is my ActiveSlate!

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?

I like to see students get excited and want to learn.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

My least favorite thing is lack of time to use as much technology with the students as I want to use.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.

I would like to be able to have lessons to use with my students and to share with my staff.

Sracodd said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

Laptop and data projector

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
I don't have to write on the board or use the overhead projector.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

Sometimes the connection from data projector to laptop doesn't receive the signal and it takes time to get it to work.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.

I would like to be more tech savvy and confident with technology in the classroom. My fourteen year old knows more than I do.

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

Lamp and projector

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?

To be honest, I don't use much technology with my students other than my lamp and projector. That's why I'm here, to learn more ways to intergrate technology into my classroom. I hope!
3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

When something doesn't work when I want it too.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.

More ways to use my laptop with my lamp and projector with my students.

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?
I have found the document camera/ laptop are incredible tools for bring the world of art alive.

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
I can show viewable examples, demonstrations, and video segments as student resources.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?
When it doesn't work!!! Computer Freeze!

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.
I would like to better organize my teaching resources, and tap into other valuable resources.

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

My laptop is my favorite piece of technology...when it works!

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?

Students are excited to learn when computers are involved.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

I get frustrated when I step out of my comfort zone and try something new with technology only to find that the computers don't work, my students are talking, and I only have 25 minutes left in computer lab!

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.

I'd like to gain confidence in using technology...so that I can better help my students learn.

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

My document camera and tech cart would be my favorite pieces of technology.

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?

The students feel successful and you can differentiate your instruction.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

When the system crashes or something is not working.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.
Activities and lessons that I can share with my team. More knowledge about computers.

Anonymous said...

What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?
the document camera and the projector

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
The kids are excited to use the computers and are more engaged. They also love to come to the camera and show or demonstrate their answers.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?
The computer lab being slow, and all computers not working, especially when I have planned a lesson for the students and the computers won't work.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.
To gain more confidence with computers and learn how to use and make new lessons.

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
Students can move at their own pace

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?
When it doesn't work and i don't know what to do!

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.
More general knowledge on how I can utilize technology in my specific area...spch.therapy

Anonymous said...

. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom? the projector that allows you to lay your print on the base and it projects it onto a screen

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
with the computer you can access so much more information so quickly

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?
the lack of my knowledge and therefore resistance to experiment

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.
to become more aware of what technology has to offer and to be able to use it!

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

I love my whole technology cart. With the level of students I work with(middle school-aged developmentally disabled students), it REALLY helps me to engage my students.

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?

My students love to be able to participate in class. Using a projector allows the projection of websites and powerpoints that engage my students visually, auditorily, and kinesthically in the learning process.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

I wish my projector were mounted on the ceiling so that the projection wasn't blocked when I engage my students. Or better yet, I wish I had a promethian board because my students would be able to be even MORE engaged in the learning process.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.

I want to learn how to use white boards and promethean boards so that at least I can borrow the old one that was given, second-hand, to Rock Creek School, with my students.

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom? Everything on the cart- doc. camera, projector, and laptop.

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?
It's fun, motivating, and hands on. Plus the visuals can enhance comprehension.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?
crashing-or computer lab computers that freeze and your entire lesson plan goes out the window.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class. To better comprehend the vocabulary used with computers, to be able to understand and use technology with confidence in the classroom and at home.

Mrs. Fogle said...

1. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?

MY TOSHIBA PROJECTOR!!! At TuES we have the media carts and the Toshiba is my connection to the camera to display student work, my laptop to show ppt's and other media. I would be lost without it.

2. What do you like most about using technology with students?

They are more engaged in their learning when technology is incorporated. Using a Discovery Streaming video clip or power point presentation allows them to be visually engaged and more likely to follow what is being taught. For second graders, it is an exploring experience, they are still amazed when they figure out how to use the simplest features of technology.

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?

I spend too much time making the items that I use for instruction. I realize that I'll be able to use the items over and over in future years, so I get a little too picky.

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.

I would like to become more familiar and fluent with using the technology equipment that is available to me at my school: smart board, CPS clickers, online resources, etc.

Anonymous said...

. What is your favorite piece of technology hardware in your classroom?the only piece of tech is my computer

2. What do you like most about using technology with students? great asset to learning that they enjoy

3. What do you like least about using technology with students?that my students sometimes know more than I do

4. Name one thing you would like to gain from this class.Prometheon board, cps technology, use of digital photography